Saturday, July 6, 2019

Why You Should Buy Social Signals?

Social Signals

Are you looking to boost traffic on your website? Or are you looking to increase your social media followers?
You can do that by buying social signals.
Now you are probably thinking isn’t that illegal.
Before getting to the illegal part, let me first explain what social signals is

Are you looking to boost traffic on your website? Or are you looking to increase your social media followers?
You can do that by buying social signals.
Now you are probably thinking isn’t that illegal.
Before getting to the illegal part, let me first explain what social signals is.

What are Social Signals?

What are Social Signals

Just posting on social media profiles will not generate social signals. It is generated when a user shares, likes, comments, tweets/retweets, etc. on various social platforms. Each time posts from your social media profile are shared or liked by different users; social signals are generated. When these signals are generated, they optimize the search engine each time, which we call Search Engine Optimization. Now it is both safe and illegal depending upon how you use it.
Allow me to explain, as everything in the universe has its pros and cons. It has its own too. Social signals generated purely by users are safe. It means that shares and likes of posts done by real people are completely safe, whereas social signals generated by automation of profiles are illegal.
Social signals done by automation is illegal as it’s done solely to optimize search engines which we referred to as BlackHat SEO. Google has penalized the use of BlackHat and is currently working on to eradicate it.

Why You Should Buy Them?

You probably think, why not do this ourselves? Unfortunately, it’s impossible for an individual to create such massive amounts of social signals which are needed to improve your SEO. It takes a tremendous amount of time and work to generate enough social signals to improve your SEO.
If you are thinking of building your own network to produce signals, don’t do that. There are companies which have already cracked the code and if you do that you’ll be just wasting your time.
It makes much more sense to buy social signals from a company, which are well known for providing organic signals through real profiles.

There are few things you should consider before buying signals from a provider:

  •         Don’t buy from anywhere.
  •         Buy services from a reputed service provider.
  •         Buy from the company which provides social signals via real peoples and profile.
  •         Don’t buy signals in bulk as it may get blocked.
  •        Request the keywords from the seller. They will only ask for links, but you should ask them to add keywords also.

Importance of Social Signals

As social media is growing, the need for social signals is also increasing. Everyone today wants to be on top of social media. Social signals are the thing, as I have already told you they influence SEO.

Few important points are listed below:

  •         They help you increase your SEO ranking.
  •         They are used as a marketing tool.
  •         They help you target specific audiences.
  •         They tell what type of contents are liked by your audience.

Importance of Social Signals

Take a company, for example, which produces toothpaste. Now this company will bound to have some competitors, and all those competitors will also be using social signals to optimize their SEO. Not both companies will be at the top of the search engine. If a company has more like than its competitor than that company will be at the top of SEO.


Only buying social signals will not miraculously boost your SEO. One-sided marketing strategy never works. You have to consider all the grounds. It can improve your business but, it’ll only work if it is combined with good contents and using all the other social media platforms to gain as many signals as possible.